Google E-E-A-T - rank higher, build trust

Google E-E-A-T - rank higher, build trust

What is this Google E-E-A-T? Why should you care? Or even better – how does it benefit you? It’s an actual framework Google uses to assess the quality of web content. So, your content as well. ...

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  Mistakes when writing a blog (and why long-tail keywords are important)

Mistakes when writing a blog (and why long-tail keywords are important)

Mistakes such as neglecting to understand the target audience can reduce a blog's effectiveness. But, the biggest of all mistakes is not having a good keyword strategy. Find out how to be visible on G...

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How to do your own SEO test

How to do your own SEO test

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is pivotal in modern marketing strategies. As digital environments evolve, SEO remains the backbone of online visibility and success. How can you know if your SEO is w...

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SEO - 11 things you need to know for a more successful business

SEO - 11 things you need to know for a more successful business

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the pillar of any successful digital strategy. Social networks and various other communication channels can support the promotion of your business, but the engageme...

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You need an SEO agency? It's an emergency? No, can't do.

You need an SEO agency? It's an emergency? No, can't do.

All search engines have their own rules and ways of ranking your website. If your page has a worse and worse position every time you check it, or if it "doesn't even exist", that means you need an SEO...

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When we say content marketing, you say - huh?

When we say content marketing, you say - huh?

Content marketing is vital for every business. But why is it so important that a whole (large) part of marketing is dedicated only to content? Find out what content marketing is, what content to creat...

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