How to bring traffic to your website (and increase it)
04.09.2024. / Analysis and strategy

We will give you a few ways to increase your website's traffic. Some of them are quick fixes, and some of them are long-term processes. But all of them have one goal – to bring more people to your website (where your job is to keep them there) and more sales, of course.

We write a lot about SEO. But to some, it may feel as if they will never understand or be able to solve it, similar to how some people simply cannot solve the Rubik’s cube.  
But did you know that a Rubik's cube has certain rules that can help you solve it?   
Similar to that, in SEO, “the secret” is effectively understanding (and using) keywords.  
Before we get to the “how to bring traffic to your website”, let's focus on the important item at hand – keywords (as they are the most important thing on your website).  
Keyword research is nothing more than finding out what your audience is searching for.   
Here, long-tail keywords are the ones you should be focusing on.  
They're less competitive and often have higher conversion rates.   
For example, instead of targeting "shoes," aim for "comfortable running shoes for flat feet."  
When implementing keywords, remember that you're writing for humans, not Google. Place them naturally throughout your content, headers, and meta descriptions.   
Avoid keyword stuffing – using too many keywords to the point where it looks ridiculous. Instead of doing that, create valuable content that is relevant to your audience (and that seamlessly incorporates your chosen keywords).  

Social media - more than just cat videos and food pictures  

Social media isn't just a place to share what you had for lunch (though we all enjoy a good food pic now and then).   
It's a great way to drive traffic to your websiteif you use it correctly.  
First, choose your platforms wisely. It's tempting to be everywhere, but it's better to be good and interesting on a few platforms than to spread yourself thin, with thin content.   
For this, you must know where your target audience actually is:   

  • LinkedIn - for B2B and professional services  
  • Instagram - for visually-driven brands  
  • X (formerly known as Twitter) - for news and real-time engagement  
  • Facebook - for community building and local businesses  
  • TikTok - for reaching younger demographics  

Create shareable content - posts that provide value, spark emotions or offer unique information, such as these:   

  • New or rarely known statistics or facts  
  • Your “behind-the-scenes"    
  • Content made by your loyal followers   
  • Timely commentary on industry trends  

After you post, the work is not done. You must work on engagement - responding to comments, asking questions, running polls, and participating in conversations.   
With social media – the more you give, the more you'll get back. And, of course, all this would be in vain if everything you do doesn't lead (and link) to your website, where people can find out more.   


How to bring traffic to your website? With content that makes visitors stick around. 

After you have made people visit your website, you’ll have to make it worthwhile.   
To answer the question of bringing traffic to your website, you must be aware that "quality before quantity" is the main rule when it comes to content.  
Don’t produce as much content as you can, article after article or blog after blog. Instead, create content that your audience will read and that has value for them.   
It’s also good to refresh and update the main content on your website.  
You have to diversify your content besides the content you already have on your website:  

  • Blog posts  
  • Infographics  
  • Videos tutorials  
  • Podcasts  
  • Interactive quizzes or tools  

Each format of content speaks to different preferences and learning styles. With it, you're making content that appeals to a wide audience.  
Storytelling in digital marketing is what transforms basic information into a compelling narrative, one that can capture attention and make emotional connections.   
If you can try to share customer stories, the journey behind your products, or stories that align with your brand values,   
It’s said that people will forget facts and figures, but they will never forget how you made them feel.  


Link building and traffic on your website 

Link building on your website is best described as networking – you’ll want to make good and meaningful connections, not just collect business cards.   
An excellent way to get your brand out there is guest posting. Look for reputable websites in your niche or ones that share your target audience and try to build relationships with other websites in your industry.  
You can also create content so good that others will want to share it and link to it, and this could be:     

  • Original research or surveys from your niche or industry  
  • Complete guides or additional resources  
  • Innovative tools or calculations  
  • Expert interviews or overviews  

When it comes to backlinks (links leading to your website), a few strong, relevant backlinks are worth more than dozens of low-quality ones – and there are definite do's and don'ts.  


  • Reach out to similar websites for collaboration opportunities  
  • Create high-quality, shareable infographics  
  • Participate in industry forums and discussions  


  • Buy links (just don't)  
  • Engage in link schemes on dubious websites  
  • Spam comments sections with your links  

When organic traffic just isn't enough? Paid advertising.  

From time to time, you need to give your traffic a backup with paid advertising.   
The key to good paid advertising is knowing various advertising platforms and their unique strengths:  

  • Google Ads for search intent-based advertising  
  • Facebook Ads for detailed demographic targeting  
  • LinkedIn Ads for B2B marketing  
  • Instagram Ads for visual products  

When targeting people with your ads, use have to use detailed targeting to reach the right audience:  

  • Demographics (age, location, income)  
  • Interests and behaviours  
  • Audiences based on your current customers  

Measure your return on investment (ROI) because you want to know if your investment in paid ads is paying off.   
In the end, you can use and combine all of these options. You'll have to check and review continually so your strategies have an effect.   
It’s simple – focus on what works, and don’t waste your time on what doesn't.   
Bringing traffic to your website (and keeping people there) should be an ongoing testing, learning, and optimizing process.  
If you need help or more information – contact us and let us know where you got stuck or what’s unclear.