Digital marketing price or how not to ask for what you need
24.07.2024. / Analysis and strategy

What should you ask a digital marketing agency to get the answers you need? Are you even asking the right questions regarding your digital marketing and advertising? Find out what questions we actually encounter and what you should really be asking.

As a digital marketing agency, we often receive various inquiries. Honestly, we are pleased when clients "find" us because it means our own marketing is working.  
Inquiries that come through contact forms are often brief and to the point. Still, our potential clients usually ask questions they think are important. However, these questions are often the least important.  
Of course, they are most interested in the price. However, they often choose services based on price rather than what is best for their business.  


Common questions for a digital marketing agency  

  • How much does your service cost?  
  • How do you do marketing?  
  • How will you increase my sales?  
  • How quickly can I expect results?  
  • How many clients do you have?  
  • Will you guarantee a return on investment?  
  • Where will you advertise me?  
  • When will I receive a report?  
  • Why are you better than other agencies?  

How much does your service cost? What are the prices of your services? Cost?  

Which exact services?  
There is no single price, nor can a "digital marketing price" be created equally for every client.  
Marketing is not a one-time service, and our prices vary depending on the scope of work and the specific needs of each project.  
Our working principle involves a detailed conversation with the client to find out exactly what they want, how they want it, and when they want it - and then we send a customized offer.  

How do you do marketing?  

We often encounter the (incorrect) belief that marketing is just one specific thing or detail. When people say they want marketing for their company, it is usually as vague as asking about the price...  

You need to know precisely what you need.  
Most people don't know what they need or how to get it. However, all their desires have one common denominator: increasing sales.  
Our digital marketing agency uses a combination of digital marketing, social media, SEO, content marketing, and paid ads – all personalized according to your desires, the goals you want to achieve for your business, and, of course, your budget.  

How will you increase my sales?  

We can answer this question like we do for everyone else – we use various strategies depending on the specifics of your business and target market. Our goal is also to increase your visibility and customer engagement.  
However, some responsibilities fall on you as well.  

How quickly can I expect results?  

We understand you want everything as soon as possible – preferably yesterday, if not the day before.  
But results depend on many factors, including your specific niche and competition. Some results can be seen quickly (e.g., from paid ads), some after a few months (e.g., SEO), while long-term goals require more time.  

How many clients do you have?  

This question is actually the least important but is a measure of success.  
It's important to dedicate equal quality to all clients.  
Our digital marketing agency has a wide range of clients from different industries.  
Our team is fully capable of managing multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring that each client receives the best from all of us.  

Will you guarantee a return on investment?  

No one can guarantee a specific return on investment.  
But, our goal is always to maximize your ROI, as we carefully plan your marketing strategies before execution.  

Where will you advertise me?  

We use various channels, including Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.  
But this also depends on your audience and the market we are targeting.  
This doesn't mean that every channel will be successful or suitable for your business.  

When will I receive a report?  

Usually, we send comprehensive monthly reports at the beginning of the month.  

Why Are You Better Than Other Agencies?  

Now, we could list all the standard phrases, such as "Our team stands out for its expertise," "We have a personalized approach," or "We are dedicated to results and your satisfaction."  
All of this is true. But we are also extremely proud of our transparency and communication. We are always there for our clients, and whatever questions they have, we always strive to answer them to the best of our ability.  

Questions you should ask a digital marketing agency  

Now that we've gone through all the typical questions people ask, including our potential clients, here are the questions you should actually be asking a digital marketing agency:  

  • How do you research my market and competition?  
  • What metrics do you track to know if a campaign is successful?  
  • How will you determine if the campaign is successful?  
  • What will you do to improve the campaign continuously?  
  • How do you adjust plans based on the data you collect?  
  • What are the main challenges in my industry, and how do you plan to address them?  
  • Who will communicate with me, and how often will we be in contact?  
  • What tools do you use for analysis and reporting?  
  • What specific steps will you take in the first three months of our partnership?  

How do you research my market and competition?  

We use various market research tools, such as keyword analysis, competitor website reviews, and industry trend monitoring. We also conduct surveys and user behaviour analysis to better understand your target audience.  

What metrics do you track to know if a campaign is successful?  

We track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website visits, conversion rates, social media engagement, return on investment (ROI), and more to assess the success of each campaign.  

How will you determine if the campaign is successful?  

We consider a campaign successful if we meet or exceed set goals, such as increased sales, higher website traffic, growth in social media followers, or improved brand visibility.  

What will you do to improve the campaign continuously?  

We will continuously monitor your campaign results, test different approaches, and optimize strategies based on the collected data. Our goal is to ensure ongoing progress and better performance.  

How do you adjust plans based on the data you collect?  

We regularly analyze the collected data to see what works and what doesn't. Based on this information, we adjust the strategy, optimize ads, or even change the approach entirely to achieve better results.  
What are the main challenges in my industry, and how do you plan to address them?  
This question doesn't have a universal answer but can be addressed after thoroughly researching your niche. Some main challenges in most industries include competition and changing consumer behaviour. Generally, we believe every situation can be turned around through targeted marketing campaigns, personalized content, and constant monitoring of market trends.  

How will you communicate with me, and how often will we be in contact?  

We will communicate with you through regular meetings, emails, and phone calls. We typically send monthly reports, and additional meetings, aside from the initial one, can be scheduled as needed.  

What tools do you use for analysis and reporting?  

We use various tools, such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahrefs, SE Ranking, and platforms for collecting and analyzing social media data, such as Metricool and Facebook Business.  

What steps will you take in the first three months of the partnership?  

First, we will conduct a detailed analysis of your market and competition, then develop a customized strategy for your needs. We will launch initial campaigns and monitor them regularly, adjusting our approach as needed to achieve the best possible results.  


What is best for you?  

Most marketing experts, including us, believe that investing in SEO is essential and the most cost-effective investment. Although it is a long-term strategy, it yields excellent results and good search engine positioning over time.  
Advertising is always an option for short-term and quick results, but it should be approached cautiously. Due to high competition, advertising has become extremely expensive in some niches, especially in tourism and seasonal businesses.  
Managing social media is always an excellent way to gather your audience, strengthen brand awareness, and eventually generate inquiries and conversions.  
We highly recommend email marketing and sending newsletters to drive traffic to your website, inform your audience, and provide them with the valuable information they need.  
If you have any questions or need information, contact us today.